Redington Classic Trout Review

Redington Classic Trout Review

Are you looking for the best fly fishing pole for capturing rainbow and brown trout in streams and rivers?

When it comes to finding the greatest solutions, go no further than our top choice. Even though Redington has a large number of rods available on the market, they have focused their efforts on the Classic Trout.

Using the most up-to-date technology along with the best attributes of older trout fishing rods, Redington has made a masterpiece for the fishing world, and at an incredibly low price too!

But is it as good as we say? Read the review below where we have covered all the essential features of this fishing rod so that you can decide if it is the right product for all your fishing needs!

Summary Table

Redington Classic Trout


Through the creation of this model, the designers at Redington have paid tribute to an era of famous rods from years gone by.

Because of this inspiration, the silver trim, brown blank, and rosewood reel seat aren’t exactly current and cool. But this might be perfect for you if you want to feel like you are going old school with your fishing.


While it has a vintage appearance and feel, the latest technology has been included in the construction to achieve the incredible flex, smooth casting, and accuracy that are unique to this model.

Graphite with intermediate modulus has been employed by Redington to obtain the optimal balance of elasticity and strength.

The use of alignment dots makes it super easy to construct, with the titanium oxide stripping guides being exceptionally durable and long-lasting. The cork handle, like the rest of the product, feels good to hold and is of very nice quality.

In terms of craftsmanship and construction, these are on par with more expensive alternatives in terms of quality.


The Redington is excellent to cast as it is incredibly lightweight and pleasant to hold, allowing it to be used continuously throughout the day without you getting tired or sore. You won’t feel the same aches and pains that you may usually feel when using a heavier rod.

Along with this, the Classic Trout rod delivers a higher degree of sensitivity, allowing you to feel the load and unload with ease, every time you cast. This rod does make snakes a joy.

Moderate-Fast Action And Mix Flex

Thanks to the quick loading combined with the mix flex and moderate-fast acting abilities, casting your line will never have felt smoother or easier. It works particularly well in the range of 30-40ft.

When you hook a fish, it will bend a lot, ensuring that your tippet is protected and lowering the risk of a breakoff. It also really lets you feel the fish that you are reeling in from the end of your line.

When using the Classic Trout rod, you will have a huge level of excitement that you may have never felt when fishing for smaller fish before.

You can feel every movement from the fish through the rod, including all the pulls and tugs as you battle to reel the catch in.

Specialized Trout Fishing Rod

Extremely specialized rods are typically very costly, making them out of reach for the vast majority of anglers in the world. However, the Classic Trout has highly specialized itself while costing a fraction of the price as similar ones on the market.

The Classic Trou has all of the elasticity and accuracy required for fly fishing for trout and has been produced by re-imagining the classic rods of the 1970s, according to Redington. It’s the perfect combination for a day spent trout fishing on a mountain stream.

To do this, Redington has employed a progressive taper, in which the thickness and rigidity increase consistently from top to bottom, allowing it to bend deeply without cracking or splitting.

In addition to allowing for simpler casts over short distances, the bend further down towards the butt part allows for more force behind longer casts.

Dry Fishing

The Classic Trout is perfectly suited for dry flashing. With this rod, it is easy to create a very natural presentation by landing the fly gently and lightly on the water after it has been cast.

The fact that your dry flies will appear so convincing means that you will be practically guaranteed to get a bite. You will have no trouble catching fish with this magnificent fly design!

When you’re out to fly fishing, don’t limit yourself to merely using dry flies; there are plenty of different options available.

Alternatively, you may try tying on some nymphs or smaller streamers to vary things up a little bit. See what options work for you and which ones are the most successful.

Stream Rod

Despite its small size, the Classic Trout rod operates admirably on small streams and creeks. You may have problems casting lengths more than 50 feet on major rivers, but you will have no trouble casting shorter distances up to 45 feet on smaller ones.

As a bonus to its accuracy and presentation, the outstanding tuning of this rod results in a very powerful rod for a little stream trout fly rod, which is rather remarkable for such a small-sized rod.

Great For Beginners And Pros

Many fly fishers instantly ignore the Classic Trout rod due to its low price tag, mistaking it as a beginner’s rod because of this. But this is a big misconception about the Classic Trout.

Even though it is priced at the same level as many of the entry-level models now available, the Classic Trout is of excellent quality and precisely constructed.

If you are looking for a new fishing rod, Redington has done something exceptional by creating one that is suitable for fishermen of all ability levels.

You could pick up the Classic Trout on your very first fishing trip and learn how to cast and fly fish with it.

Then, ten years later, when it came to trout fishing, it would still be in fine working shape. For this reason, it is a very good choice for beginners learning to cast since you can easily feel the load and unload as you throw.

Unlike many other recent models of trout rods on the market, this isn’t a bare-bones device that you’ll want to replace within a year or two. Instead, you can grow with the rod, learning more about its features and benefits as you improve on your skills.

Value For Money

When it comes to value for money, there is just nothing else on the market that can compete with the cheap cost of this product. It is the best deal you can get. This is neither a backup rod nor a beginner’s rod, it is perfect for everyone.

The Classic Trout is frequently preferred by experienced fly fishermen over more costly fly models, showing that expensive is not always better.

Pros And Cons


  • Very lightweight and easy to hold – the lightweight of this rod ensures that your arms will not get tired after a long day of casting, while the high-quality cork handle makes the rod comfortable to hold
  • Easy to cast – this rod can easily be cast at a distance of up to 45 feet while being very accurate as well
  • Suitable for beginners and pros – you can grow with this rod, improving your skills with practice while learning more about the rod works. This means that you could potentially go years without upgrading the rod
  • Excellent value for money – No other rod on the market can compare with the Classic Trout when it comes to price. Many mistake it for a practice rod due to its low cost, but in fact, it is the real deal and works just as well if not better than more expensive versions


  • Cannot be used well in strong winds – As the rod is so lightweight, using it in very windy conditions can be quite difficult
  • Cannot cast long distances – while 45 feet may seem far, in terms of fishing that is not even the furthest you can usually cast. Unfortunately, the Classic Trout cannot cast further than this

Summary: Is The Classic Trout A Good Purchase?

Yes, it is. Redington has produced a broad range of fly rods, but this specific model stands out in particular when it comes to trout fishing because of its unique design and excellent features.

Rod manufacturer Redington invested a significant amount of time and effort into producing the best rod for dedicated trout fishermen who fish small to medium-sized trout in rivers and streams.

When compared to other products, it works remarkably well at distances less than 50 feet.

Although it is neither a powerful nor long-distance rod, it excels at what it is intended for: trout fishing in little streams in the mountains of northern California.

This little rod will last you for years if used and looked after correctly, making it an excellent addition to your fishing gear.

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